Blockchain, closer and for energy

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

But what the hell is blockchain? In simple it is a "chain of cryptographically secured blocks". We keep asking: What the hell is blockchain? It is a digital register of transactions that gather specific information on various aspects, from transactions with cryptocurrencies to the management of a modern house that is managed by IOT technology, Internet of things. These digital blocks are linked one by one, containing separate but complementary information and form a "chain". Blockchain technology allows you to store information that can never be lost, modified or deleted.

All government transactions: purchases, payments, funds destinations, etc., could be submitted to blockchain, given the high traceability of operations. It is really transparent operations of the levels of the State in charge of public monies.

The chain has several -millions- of nodes or users. It works very well to "cut" the intermediary banks in cases of money remittances and stock transactions. Even in property registration; in Japan, work is being done to unify the entire register of urban and rural properties with block chain technology. An open database in which the data of millions of properties could be consulted. All validate the operation. It is complicated to cheat and enter false data. It is as - or more secure - than traditional money transactions. Blockchain for the public registry of properties, for remittances, payments, transactions and now for energy.

In energy, blockchain technology is being used: for measuring and recording the consumption of electricity, for example, by the user. There are already on the market the so-called cryptochips, used to measure the consumption of electricity volumes and the management of distributed generation. From this section we have more information in our specific analysis.

In the case of distributed generation, the blockchain will report on consumption, volume and other data that are relevant to have consumption history and projections. Data for rates and projection of margins for sale to the main network or to other users.

With precise data we will know how the trio relate: generator, consumer and who buys the remnants of the generator and consumer.Screenshot_1.png


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you explained it in very much detail.