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RE: Pandemic Diaries (Entry 1) - My Quarantine Story

in #blockchainmemoryproject4 years ago (edited)

Hey Eric. You might like to check out this point of view, though who knows what's (relatively) true!


Thanks, I'll check it out. I'm open to learning about all theories about this. I hope you're faring well, wherever you are!

Ultimately, i am faring very well. The true self is always in peace.
Relatively, i feel some frustration around currently not being able to get across the message i am trying to share.

Ultimately i realise (real-eyes) that is because i am not resting in the true self, but am acting in this dream of life as if it were real, wanting to make change.
So, more being and less doing is called for. Then when i am resting in the self, any doing which arises will be effective.

Peace brother

Thanks and Peace to you as well!