
I have $170 worth of BTC on BlockFi right now and they want to charge me almost the entire thing to withdraw it. Makes no sense.

What, i withdrew mine and got it all? Weird. Don't send eth whatever u do because the eth fee is like 150 or something! I think that's the issue! Don't send usdc or any eth scam ethereum token either! lol it's the gas. BTC is only 10 bucks to send!

Not when I tried to withdraw. I think they give us one free withdrawal a month after that it has a big fee. I already made a withdrawal this month so thinking that is why they are trying to charge me so much to withdraw my BTC. Your eth could be same issue. I believe I read something like that if I am not mistaken about one free withdrawal a month.

Oh wow, the other day was my fist time sending out. Hmmm... I didn’t realize that. Thanks for the heads up.

No problem. Someone dumped some BTC n ETH today but the dips got bought up pretty quick.

Very informative post

Very very informative post @coininstant, it realled helped me a lot.🌺✨

Thank you so much for sharing this post with us.

Have a glorious day!✨🥰

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thank you for the information, have a good trade

Blockfi is a good exchange. Thank you @coininstant


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Price movement moving too fast for exchanges to even buy or sell at a price you like, may have to be patient with trades. The magazine story of is really interesting.

Totally interesting I know, Wow! Thanks!! 🙏

Thanks for sharing! Very interesting information! Bitcoin is down today! I’ll have to wait for next move!

Have a nice day!

I'm surprised that they even gave you a fairly detailed explanation.

So I guess we should not be a judger if we are not a judge. lol

We did not use this exchange before but now after posting your post we will be willing to use blockfi and inshallah we will definitely use it.

Yeah it's really good for holding and earning interest on all sorts of coins!

I like yor info post thanks

Hi friends, we are grateful to you for bringing us this kind of post that provides us with information, it is very useful.


thank you very much for the information, have a nice weekend


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