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RE: Bitcoin fees as high as $50, transactions still slow to confirm, new messaging system on BlockTrades

very good.
a couple of questions.
do you anticipate adding any more coins..such as BitCoin Cash for example?
is the 'log jam' still delaying delegations?
I intend to rent a LOT real soon....(well..a lot by my standards..)


Yes, we'll be adding more coins for sure. I hope to be able to fill most delegations by Saturday, and then we'll see how much has returned to us. I say "I" because most everyone else will be off for Christmas holidays :-)

Retired Trucker here...Christmas is just another day.
here's hoping you can add USD to that list of coins soon.

one more thing
how long have I got to pay to 'renew' once I'm notified?

It's sent out 2 days before expiration.