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RE: Image Server Cluster development and maintenance

in #blocktrades4 years ago

It's not a new blockchain, it's using the exact same tech (graphene), and continues Steem after 42M. It's a fork that is ran by the same witnesses than the 3.5 years before on Steem. Hive is worth more and most of the community migrated, we can consider Hive as the winning fork, and the 'real' Steem. Changing the name and the logo doesn't make it new, it's just a rebanding.

And the real owner of these tokens was SteemIt inc.

And YOU ARE NOT the community so stop saying 'the community'. You don't talk for everyone, you're just a piece of shit developer who found a way to get money by doing nothing for the next year (until price crashes so much even your 10% SPS + witness node won't be able to pay your rent)


And the real owner of these tokens was SteemIt inc.

And they still own those tokens. On Steem. Where they owned them. Those tokens. On Steem.

Did I say that enough?