Website/blog = Enterprener = Success

in #blog3 years ago (edited)

Dear Hivers

This is the following article for the yesterday blog article.

Stay focus
Regularly posting articles related to your area of expertise forces you to continually assess what is really important to you and to your customers and prospects.


Each article prompts you to document yourself and reflect on your activity . It is therefore an excellent way to promote the strategic watch that must be done by any entrepreneur who wants to keep abreast of the evolution of his market and his competitive sector.

And if your articles generate shares and comments, so much the better! This is a clear sign that they meet a need and are of real interest to your community.

Humanize your business
Behind each article, there is an author . An entrepreneur who speaks to his clients and to all those who are interested or passionate about his profession. These are no longer technical specifications or professional jargon. These are points of view, experiences, reflections, analyzes.

Behind your products or services there is a person. This is what interests your readers. This is what will make some will become your customers. Because they will trust you.

Faster to update than a website, the blog allows you to communicate in more detail than on social networks . It is a source of information that your readers will enjoy discovering. They will thus get to know you better, your company, your passions.

Offer valuable content
A good article is the valued conversation for the new sales. It is an outstretched hand. This is a content value you offer to your readers.

Too many people just relay the content of others. Such an approach helps to increase infobesity. Relaying content without adding value , without enriching it, without making constructive criticism, is of little use.

Be generous . Provide your readers with answers to their questions. this will help them get answers and they will always come back to you.

Google is very interested in blogs

Google authorship has entered the dance, as has social referencing (SMO). Creating content and claiming authorship is undoubtedly good for morale, but it is especially interesting for your SEO . Google loves content written and shared by real people. And he takes that into account.

In conclusion,
An effective blog is a blog read and shared. For this, the quality of your articles and your editorial line are essential. Read and shared articles increase your notoriety at the speed of the buzz .

Blogging is probably not for everyone. It takes motivation and perseverance . Maintaining a constant and regular presence is essential. We need to give time to get the output,But the game is definitely worth the effort.

It is a long-term job: the results are sometimes long overdue, which discourages more than one. But sooner or later your blog will bring you qualified leads . It's worth getting started, right?

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Screenshot_2020-08-29 One more reminder about PROJECT HOPE stand on PLAGIARIZM and post spinning — Hive.png

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Special Thanks to the @crypto.piotr (Founder) and the team.

PROJECT #HOPE An Initiative to give hope!

Original Post - projecthope-a-great-multidisciplinary-team by lanzjoseg

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Credit: doze


An updated website, with good and precise content, around what the audience is looking for is a way to successful entrepreneurship.

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