Writing from the heart!

in #blog6 years ago

Finding it hard writing up your blogs? Especially how to construct your sentences and how to express yourself?

If you’re stressing out like that, it means you are not really enjoying yourself. That’s when your mind goes a blank and you can’t think logically any more. And that causes more stress. 


I know that sounds easier said than done. But it can be done. Let me try to explain: 

  • When you’re an artist, galleries expect you to produce more and more paintings to sell, because of the demand from the public. This is like having ‘Writer’s block!’ Because it gets hard to think up more and more new compositions, to keep the stocks going, week in and month out. 

Let me tell you, how I’ve done it. Each day as I would set up to paint, I would do loosening-up painting exercises.  

  1. I would take out scrap watercolour paper and just scribble with my paintbrush. Slashing paint on, without any idea what to paint.  
  2. And not worrying or fussing about how things should look or how it would turn out. Let the `story' tell it... its way. You’re just taking to the road, on the adventure.  
  3. Just enjoyed the freedom doing my thing! Painting like a child without a teacher watching. 
  4. This not only loosens up you brushstrokes, it fees your mind of negativity. You’re conning yourself, until your confidence is there, and you feel you can take on any commission and its challenges. 

That’s what you can do with writing blogs.

Learn to sit down and write whatever twaddle comes to your mind. 

  • Make it fun. Play with the words. Shift them around until something falls into place. 
  • You will see shifting around words, first here and then there, can have so many different meanings. This is what I love about writing stories, etc. 
  • Whatever it is, remind yourself this is just for fun and isn’t for the public to read. Well, not at the beginning, anyway.  
  • And the more you do this, the more fluent and competent your writing becomes. 

 (And if any of it does turn out better than you think. You can always tidy it up and post it another time). 

The point is to loosen up and… 

Write stuff that you truly enjoy,

Write about things that really mean a lot to you and excites you. It makes writing more fun. And that loosens up the soul. And it makes for more fun to read! 

  • The secret is to write, live and play in the moment of creation. Like it was a time warp adventure! 

Let the words flow out easily. Don’t worry about been perfect or who maybe critical of what you do. You can always tidy it, change things around or add whatever later… before posting.  

  • Writing with abandoned freedom helps to put natural emotion and drama in the way you write. And people on the internet love drama and emotional stuff. 

Grammar checking:

I know not everyone can write English. But one way of getting around English grammar is to write from the heart, the way you normally think and talk.  

  • It may not be perfect English, but your easy flowing jargon comes across as fun and natural. Something most people can understand and can relate to. 

Even books don’t have to be boringly perfect anymore. You can use your natural jargon and the modern way of talking. Here is a dialog example: 

“Hey, sight that?”…. This is a more modern way of saying, “See that? Isn’t that a crazy thing to do?!” 

Practice makes perfect:

As you experiment, you’ll see your grammar and easy style improves. If you don’t believe me, look back over time and see how you’ve progressed! 

But the finished article,

  1. Must have logical sentence and paragraph construction.
  2. Have a purpose and an easy flowing link of facts from one issue to the next.  
  3. And at the end have some sort of satisfying conclusion. So that, the people reading it will feel they’ve gained something by reading your blog’s topic! 

wow,really very inspirational article.its reality..pratise makes a main perfect..i respect your high thought quality knowledge skills.. yeah,we are should be writing from heart.its express doing own mind thought creativity and we understand got how to express yourself? its not easy.because properly express doing yourself writing obviously to know should be grammatical.then we got writing very perfectly every word proper place..but everytime i am trying my best to writing my own opinion.some times i am doing mistakes to write sentence.relax mentality is very perfect method to writing english for yourself expressing.thanks to sharing for your talented post..i hope you support my comment.because you are my best friend one of them in this platform.if you help my work and support my every work i am of course success being in my future very soon.very well done. take care yourself and best of luck of your greateork.may god bless you...have a great day...my best wishes always for you.my dear friend.. @artguru

Enjoy his post as always he writes good

Very touching and amazing.

As a professional writer, you deeply understand what we need.

You really write with heart and give very sincerely.

Thank you @artguru! Do not ever get tired to teach us.

Greetings from a distant land! 🙏


Strongly agree with your opinion. Why do I agree? Because I can feel if you write sincerely. I think something that we write with sincerity will make the reader feel empathy. Why? Because the reader is also involved in it and feel that it is important to read.

Honestly, like me who always waiting for your post @artguru!

Thank you for sharing beautifully and wonderfully @artguru.

With respect!🙏

ahh wat a beautiful way ??/


practice makes man prfect

I try to do so with my writings but I think my views offend some people. Now I want to try deliberately not to offend anyone

To rediscover our inherent interests some alone time is necessary dedicated exclusively to Soul searching. We can only create something awesome when we are truly interested in the matter, a thing not so easy to find in times where deviations from the norm are rather disparaged.

The term 'work' alone says that we don't enjoy the process 100%. Outcome is the only incentive then.

When the Heart is at play, the process alone is fulfilling enough. Reward in shape of money just the bonus! :)

You've said this really well and encapsulated all that I've been thinking of this last couple of years with my writer's block.

I agree with you. If we want to be good writers, we should always practice writing and learning grammar.
Thank you for the advice @artguru
Have a good day @artguru

Writing should always come from the heart, every word should come come from the heart. Writers should describe the feelings and emotions.

This piece was really helpful, and nicely written.
I couldn't agree more with this:

Write about things that really mean a lot to you and excites you. It makes writing more fun. And that loosens up the soul.

Thanks for sharing.
Kind regards.

Personally, by my experience, I can say that the most interesting blogs and messages I received were when I was in a relaxed state. There are days when you are excited or your head is busy with troubling thoughts. It is on such days that the worst messages are received.
However, in order to write the text, you only need to start. That is, you sit down at your workplace and begin to express yourself. A real writer who writes a book or story writes it directly from the heart. He lives life within himself with his impersonator. He feels what his character feels. It is at such moments that the writer abstracts from everyday problems immerses himself in the text and gets a real pleasure from his work.
Thank you for the excellent report!

awesome writing…you have a great writing experience

Hmm we really need to enjoy what we are doing in order to get perfection and to make sure our work has a useful output and is enjoyed by the people. We just need to relax a bit and give ourselves some freedom in spite of tension and stress. That is when words and sentences will bury pit in order and out blogs will be superb. I really liked the way how to try to make different painting compositions. Just moving your brush on the paper until something meaningful comes out. A very nice way. Thanks for sharing.

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Writing from the heart is always effortless @artguru. Thank you for sharing this piece of article :)

When I get to think of words about my topic, my hands begins to type them and I'll be seeing one write up finished. When I get the hang of it, I write more and think of ideas.

i guess everyone should read this fine post so cool for everyone !!!