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RE: Perspective on Steemit as a User and Investor

in #blog6 years ago

Yes, I agree. I'm positive it will go back down. I'm too trigger happy. At least now I can manage my steemauto settings appropriately. Being in the 60-70% range is definitely not recommended!


the more steem power and vote power you have, the more return you get on curation from your steem auto vote I have heard.

I decided to put a bounty on here. Let’s see what response I get. Already upvoted all the sincere comments.

wooo hooooo!!!! sweet
get ready for the influx of bounty hunters

I count two so far 😆

I think next time I do a bounty I will wait till last day to upvote everyone so I can put them in order of payout. Who ever gets the biggest vote from you gets the largest part of the bounty

Why don’t you add your Mallory link to my contest page. Random chance of gettin a sbi.

What contest page? I must have missed it?