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RE: Five Years Of Blogging On The Blockchain

in #blog3 years ago

I am sure I have been to many of those places. A lot of times my brother in law drives and we are just along for the ride. Mainly we do stuff in the Dublin area. Sometimes make a trip to Polaris. I ate pizza at a place down on campus once that was pretty good. I am sure I would have made a ton of mistakes if I had been on earlier than three years ago. I don't think I would have been ready for everything Blockchain had to teach me back then.


Dublin is a great part of town! The OSU Campus area was one of my haunts during high school and college. We used to go to a lot of the parties on fraternity and sorority row. It could get pretty wild during the 80's and early 90's but I think it's a little more tame now. I wouldn't have known where to begin in 2016 if I didn't have guidance. People were very generous with their time and knowledge back then.

That always helps! Most of the people that got me up and running on here are gone now.