Review Red Dragon Scylla - at last I can work in peace

in #blog3 years ago


What's up people how are you? welcome to this post and I think to my first review of a cheap but good and nice product XD with the three b's as they say.

Que pasa gente como estan? sean bievenidos a este post y creo a que a mi primera review de un producto barato pero bueno y bonito XD con las tres b como quien dice.



This time I bring the Red Dragon Scylla a pretty cheap "gaming" headphones XD but with a good value for money, well I bought these headphones because before I had a wireless headphones but its battery was a real shit, it lasted 2 hours to charge and only resisted 3 hours with the battery : s so one day I said, it's over and I looked for a nearby store to make my payment and bring me my headphones, I decided to choose these as I saw several reviews on youtuber and they were highly recommended, so nothing these are my new headphones, only time will tell if it was worth it or not, they sound pretty good and feel quite resistant but well we'll have to wait and see.

Esta vez traigo los Red Dragon Scylla unos audifonos bastante baratos "gaming" XD pero con una buena relacion calidad precio, bueno compre estos audifonos ya que antes tenia unos audifonos inalambricos pero su bateria era una real mierda, duraba 2 horas en cargar y solo resistia 3 horas con la bateria :s asi que un dia dije, se acabo y busque una tienda cercana para hacer mi pago y que me trajeran mis audifonos, decidi elegir estos ya que vi varias reviews en youtuber y lo recomendaban bastante, asi que nada estos son mis nuevos audifonos, solo el tiempo dira si lo valio o no, se escuchan bastante bien y se sienten bastante resistentes pero bueno habra que esperar a ver.



Which headphones do you have? another reason why I bought the headphones is to work quietly at home, sometimes there is too much noise and it makes my head hurt :s with these it doesn't happen anymore.

Cuales audifonos tienes? otra de las razones por la que me compre los audifonos es para trabajar tranquilamente en mi casa, aveces hay demasiado ruido y me hacen doler la cabeza :s con esto ya no pasa.


That was all for this post, until next time.

Eso fue todo por este post, hasta la proxima.