Weekly check this important task of SEO "Broken Link Checking"

in #blog6 years ago

Weekly check this important task of SEO "Broken Link Checking"


As I already said you should make fully search engine trusted.

If you have broken links this will confuse search engine and search engine think your site is under construction so they ignore during crawler update.

To check broken links

Go to webmaster tools --Crawler -- Crawler Errors
See here https://ibb.co/fuWSbx

Check how many crawler errors show not found URL
Check this https://ibb.co/gKiqwx

As I have 1262 Broken Links Too many Broken Links This will Confuse Search Engine and They Ignore While Crawler Update.

So let's Fix It Check Your Sitemap and Update Your Sitemap, Generate new sitemap and upload it to your host or If you are using Yoast or all in one SEO plugin they generate auto 24 hours sitemap. So broken links will be removed from the sitemap.

Now go to back to webmaster tools and re-submit your sitemap. See here https://ibb.co/dWEoGx

Now Go back to Crawler Error Option in Webmaster Tools and Click Mark all as Fixed See Here https://ibb.co/mpH8Gx

Do this task weekly and test it weekly, So this increases your trust with search engine otherwise they ignore your site and keywords while crawler update.

Thanks for reading follow me @earningmethod for more helpful posts.

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Image source:wpuniversity.com
