Shrub verbenas (Lantana)

in #blog10 days ago

Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you had a day that was full of positive experiences! In this post, I would like to talk a little about nature and hope you can learn new things.

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Here you can see pictures of the Shrub verbenas which is also known under the scientific name Lantana and originally comes from tropical areas of Central and South America as well as Africa and nowadays it can be found almost worldwide. The plant is considered extremely robust and has the property to adapt very well to different climatic conditions and in some places it is even considered invasive and often spreads uncontrollably and this is especially important to take into account if you live in tropical areas because the plant is considered hardy and must be brought inside at the beginning of the cool days and hibernate in places that are preferably not cooler than five degrees Celsius. Also from an ecological point of view, it can be quite worthwhile to cultivate and the flowers that exist in different colors offer a great source of pollen for insects such as bees, butterflies or others and the long flowering period that often extends until October makes it an important source that offers food throughout the summer. It is particularly interesting as a plant for the balcony or terrace and when it comes to the care, it is important to know that you should water it moderately and always make sure that the substrate never dries out completely but is also not too wet and it is important to remove faded parts regularly so that it can concentrate on producing new ones. From time to time, it is also important to give nutrients and if you should notice that growth is restricted, a good time should have come to repot and when it comes to choosing the right location, a warm place with enough sun is essential. Because of the robust properties, it was considered a sign of strength and because of the different colors, a very own symbolism has emerged and also from a mythological point of view it is strongly anchored and was often regarded as a gift from the gods. It is said that it could even survive fire and in Hawaii it was associated with the goddess of volcanoes and the fire Pele and there were similar interpretations in other cultures and is also often seen as a connection between two worlds.

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Thanks for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about nature! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.


Earlier I didn't know about these plants and flowers at all, after reading your post I got to know.

Happy to hear that you appreciate what I am doing :)