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RE: Van Moof S3 Electric Bike - The Good, The Bad, and The AMAZING

in #blog3 years ago (edited)

Haha, let's hope I can keep the excitement and restraint in perfect balance @lydon.sipe. Lol. Ebike tech has just gotten to the point where it's practical in the last couple of years. My first one, almost ten years ago was just a hub motor kit that I bolted on a Schwinn Crusier bike. It was super primitive compared to this one. I think battery tech, more than anything, has improved exponentially. You would be hooked on a Van Moof if you rode one. The have an outlet store online where they sell brand new older models with full warranties. Last I checked they had their previous gen (S2) for $1,300, which is about 66% off their original price. The S2 was significantly more expensive than the S3. I nearly went this route. I hope you have a wonderful week and it was nice hearing from you!