Caret - Markdown editor for Mac, Windows and Linux

in #blog4 years ago


Caret is a very useful markdown editor with a clean interface, full of features, made with productivity, and efficient workflow in mind. Those who love dark mode won't be disappointed. It has both day and night mode. I prefer dark mode better.

It is packed with features such as assistance, auto-completion, context action, multiple cursors, extend the selection, inline render, etc.

What I like most about Caret is, its clean interface, so the user can focus on their creativity and get things done without any distraction.

If you work with documents this is a desktop app you need to have. If you are a ​blogger, improve your blogging workflow with Caret.

The app costs $29 for continued use. I have downloaded the app for free and it using right now. Not sure if this is a free trial and it will expire at some point.


I use Macdown, it's open source.

Caret looks very stylish, though. :)

Macdown seems to be pretty good. I will try it.

This is nice. Will look more into it and see if I am going to get it.
Thank you