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RE: Steemit blogging guide

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

This is such perfect article for beginners.

Don’t make spelling or grammar mistakes.

Yes, it is not easy for those whose mother tongue is not English. My native language is Russian. But I try my best to make fewer mistakes and improve my English.

Write because you love writing, not because you are trying to earn a reward

Oh, writing is really enjoyable, especially stories-fiction. For example, for contests like yours :)

You want to keep high reputation steemians – those with a reputation above 50, like me, interested.

Just today, the number of my folowers has become 500, but this, of course, is not basically the type of folowers I want. Yes, I'll try to write better!

If you are a school-teacher or a preacher, do not encourage your students to write here. They are not ready for the harsh criticism that can be meted out by those who are not trained in dealing with sensitive little souls.

I am a Maths teacher and tutor and I totally agree with you.
I never encourage my students to write here.

Thanks @swissclive for this your great article, I upvoted and resteemed.