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RE: In Love with Fine Things & The Neighborhood - FASHION ART

in #bloglast year

The thing is, you’re so beautiful. I know that that is not what I’m supposed to say about this fabulous post. U are so awesome that the rest of the world pales by comparison. I adore the trousers; Lord so much talent!

So does your age. There's not much you can do about it, that's just the way people are. I experiment with it and sometimes leave the house in sweatpants, with no hair-fashion (just a bun on my head) and glasses that are about the thickness of a Coca-Cola bottle. I get overlooked, no one flirts with me and I do best meeting people who already know me. Otherwise, I'm less well served in the shops. HaHa! It's like this! I'm not complaining.

And, I love, love the lines above since there’s so much truth in them. Truth has always been your big thing. 🥰🤗💕🤗🥰💕🤗☕️😘❤️😘😘☕️🙃😳☕️💕💕


Long time no see! Thank you for visiting me after such a long break. And so many compliments, phew... ;)
Being honest with what actually goes through my head is something I like to be open about, yes. Actually it's easier said than done. LOL - There are so many phrases in the way when I write something. I have to first push them away in order to get to the true thing. You seem to know:)

I am very pleased with how the trousers came out, I find them difficult to sew. These damn zippers!

Will visit your blog in the next days and sniff around a bit.

Sincere greetings to you!

Sincere, that’s u 🤗🥰❤️💕😘☕️😘☕️😊