Allergic to Sun

in #blog3 years ago

YOU! Are an addiction!

Your name my only mantra.

Leave me the fuck alone and release me once and for all! Psychically, energetically, just let me go! Where the fuck else can I hide any further so that I'd have no way of messing up your perfect little paper house of a life?

Must be how primordial chaos feels. You idiot, I love you so much there's nothing more that I'd want than to swallow you up whole! But I promised myself I'd let you live your life.

The sunlight is too much to handle. It gives unreasonable, unjustified amounts of hope. The worst form of torture. I'd rather yeet into the sweet abyss and scatter into billions of nanoparticles than have to deal with this torturous hope, sitting here, having to meticulously break my own heart all over again. Before it makes me do anything stupid. Before you get a chance to break it for me. sigh

Hasn't this gotten old yet?
I for one am tired of this shit cycle.

Is there really no new modalities?

~ Dark Josie~

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment