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RE: The A.I Coin Flip

in #blog7 years ago

What if we are actually the AI created by some race long gone. We could be some kind of biochemical robotic sentient being and now we are creating our own AI almost like evolution. Our AI may go on and create its own...and so on and so on.


Now that's an interesting thought, maybe we are an experiment? haha

Do you know philip K dick's theories? Amazon have bought the rights to his books and essays and was looking for screenwriters to adapt them some time ago.. I guess they must be in pre-production now.

That would fit right into what you just said, what if we were some kind of evolution of an artificial beings as well.

I've never read any of his work but sounds interesting. The only thing more mind boggling is AI maybe creating AI inside a simulation inside a simulation and so on :-) Great posts on AI by the way it's becoming my obsession.