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RE: The Little One is a Genius

in #blog3 years ago

She definitely sounds like a little smartie. I saw an 'Italy' flag today, turns out it's the Ireland flag!! I don't think you're four year old will be very impressed with me. Though credit to myself I was pretty close!

By the way, are you aware there's a motherhood community? Despite it's name I'm sure they're not restricted to mothers. Posting in communities helps your posts get more exposure and this particular one is supported by OCD as well !!


Oh I have no qualms about joining the motherhood group. I went to a toddler group a couple of years back and I was the only guy. The toddlers used to sit together and play and I got all the gossip off the mammies while having a coffee. It was great. How are those stretch marks Una? Did you get over your PMS Bridget? :-D thanks buddy. Hope all is well.