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RE: Perspective on Steemit as a User and Investor

in #blog6 years ago

I don’t have the time or motivation to post every day either. I go in bursts though. I started up with the daily freewrite challenge contest thing this week very reluctantly and I don’t expect to last long... giving it a shot anyway. I can do 5 minutes of writing most of the time. But how are there people on here posting 3+ times a day?!

I’ve come up with a good compromise with who I upvote so I can do it ethically and also get decent returns. My steemauto is on (and as I’m sure you know, you’re on it) and I autovote maybe 10 people once a day who are either friends or initiatives I support. Most of these people are about where I’m at. Then I give votes to newbies by manual curation and try to upvote some of the people who comment. My VP stays around 70%, but whatever! It seems to be working well enough.

I took a month hiatus here to deal with some stuff I was going through in real life. Occasionally I thought of Steemit and got some anxiety about it. Didn’t really have the motivation to write even if I had the time, but it felt like my ability to write was going to waste just when I had found a supportive outlet for it. But I’m back now and newly motivated, apparently. Not sure when that will die down again.


Hey Mallory. I hope you are continuing with the daily freewrite challenge! I can't get myself to join writing contests. Some days I really have nothing to say. I understand about having bursts of inspiration. I have a few of those sometimes, but it usually happens when I have no time to write. Not a single drop of creativity when I do have the time. :)

You do have a good compromise and that's a wonderful way to grow. I will never stop supporting my favorite authors and the newbies with the NRD acct. I wish I had more time to manually curate though. Right now, just trying to manage my steemauto setting so I don't fall back into the 70%. It really is hard to get out of there.

I hope you continue to be motivated and write. There are some really great supporters on here for talented writers. Be sure to stay away from that nasty indifference feeling.

Thanks for the steemauto support :)