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RE: Perspective on Steemit as a User and Investor

in #blog6 years ago

Excellent thoughts beeyou and follow for follow??? Lol hahahha

But yeah whenever people ask me if posting everyday should be the way, or doing niche blogging, or going only after Curation rewards I always tell them to be themselves. Be you (sorry I couldn't help using that hahahhaha)

I mostly write one or two posts a day and I admit there is a monetary reason for it. I rent delegations and with all the bid bots it has made delegations very expensive to rent because everyone is clamoring to get a piece especially if you get 90-95% roi so it's not bad as an investor but I don't rent delegatios in order to sell my vote. So I need to make mad money to be able to support an expensive lifestyle hahahaha.

I use it to support Communities that I care for. What is a 100% VP I have never seen that lol.
I get about less than 2 SP curation a week but spread my vote to a large number of people.

I also comment a lot which of course you know hahaha

So to end my ramblings what you are doing is okay for you. Your success is defined by you.