Instagram Stories - Road to 50k #1

in #blog7 years ago

In this series I want to document my journey as I build my Instagram page to 50k followers. I currently run an influencer page called FSF (Fresh Street wear Fits).  The page is just 3 months old but at current count I have 3463 followers. If you're into streetwear fashion check it out here.

Hey guys its Jason here, welcome to the first blog in my road to 50k series. If you haven’t already read my intro to Steemit check it out here.

I've only been hustling on insta for  7 months now,  but I've learnt so much already, and literally learning something new every day. This blog will give me the opportunity to share what I’ve learnt, as well as share my vision and ideas for the future of my pages.

I’m trying to achieve a number of things with this series; primarily I want to be able to document my journey. Often when we achieve our goals it’s very easy to remember the good times, but the bad times or the times where we had to dig deep to keep going when everything seems to go wrong tend to be forgotten. So it’s about putting my proverbial pen to paper to ensure that both moments are remembered, so when the tough times return I can read back and figure out how I dealt with it.

Also smart people look to learn from their mistakes, and even smarter people not only learn from their own mistakes but avoid others that have trodden the same path before them. So if just one person gets some real value from my blog and its articles, then it would be almost like icing on the cake.

Next time, amongst other things I want to talk about followers so be sure to tune in! Also I want to make this series as interactive as possible so if you have any burning questions or feedback, drop them in the comments and let’s have a conversation.

Thanks for reading fellow Steemians! As always if you have got some value out of this post please hit the upvote button or drop comment, and if you are interested in following the series be sure to follow me. ✌✌


This will be amazing when you look back at all the work! Will be watching & hopefully we can eventually collaborate one day! @nosajj I will also spread the word man!

Thanks bro, yeah if there's something that I can help you with thats in my skillset let me know

nice sharing, upvoted visit my post also

Great thanks for your support!