About Penguins

in #blog2 years ago


Hi friends.

Today I wanted to try something different. I've been stressed lately, so it's time to have some fun and test my creativity. I asked someone to tell me the first word that came to mind and they said "penguin". Now I have to create a post about this word and share it with you here on my blog.

As we all know penguins are animals whose habitats are cold places, it is said that despite looking very cute they are very bad-tempered little animals that you have to try not to bother. To be honest, I have never been near one so I am not sure if this is true or false.

However, in my country, there is also a cake called a penguin. This is because it is like a chocolate cupcake, with chocolate frosting and cream filling. These were one of my favorite desserts as a child.

When I heard the word "penguin" I also remembered the movie "Happy Feet", which I think is very cute. I leave here the trailer in case you haven't seen it.

With love,

Rima, E.



Hola amigos y amigas.

Hoy quería probar algo diferente. Últimamente he estado estresado, así que es hora de divertirme y poner a prueba mi creatividad. Le pedí a alguien que me dijera la primera palabra que se le ocurriera y dijo "pingüino". Ahora tengo que crear un post sobre esta palabra y compartirlo con vosotros aquí en mi blog.

Como todos sabemos los pingüinos son animales cuyo hábitat son lugares fríos, se dice que a pesar de parecer muy lindos son animalitos muy malhumorados a los que hay que tratar de no molestar. Para ser sincera, nunca he estado cerca de uno, así que no estoy segura de si esto es cierto o falso.

Sin embargo, en mi país también hay un pastel llamado pingüino. Esto se debe a que es como una magdalena de chocolate, con glaseado de chocolate y relleno de crema. Estos eran uno de mis postres favoritos cuando era niña.

Cuando escuché la palabra "pingüino" también me acordé de la película "Happy Feet", que me parece muy bonita. Os dejo aquí el trailer por si no la habéis visto.

Con cariño,

Rima, E.


I never look penguin in the real world, just see from tv

It was an extraordinary opportunity to witness the penguin group firsthand.

They are one of the most adorable creatures. I guess, there's hardly anyone who doesn't like penguins. I'm sure @rima11 likes it a lot too.

When he found out there was a penguin cake, it was also very surprising. How does it feel when you eat a penguin cake while imagining the penguin?

Yes, penguins are adorable. I like them. But I don't imagine a penguin when I'm eating that cake 😅

nice story mate

I love penguins!! Such happy looking little guys and there walk makes me laugh 😅

Hallo mbak rima11 may goodness always be with you, I just want to ask why you haven't made any posts on your blog for a long time..