Take Back Control - Mindset/Positivity

in #blog4 years ago


Even in dark times, even when forces seem to be conspiring against the entire world, trying to bring us all down, we can take back personal control and shift our energetic, and mental state back to one of peace and groundedness, ready for positive action.

Pick up the pen, the pencil, the paintbrush, the instrument, or use your body to express yourself.
Remember the good things you have, the attributes, the skill sets, the personality, the character, the talent, something in your environment, something about somebody else you know, the unique things you have, what makes you laugh and appreciate life, or what it is that makes you, you.

Whatever it is, jot it down on paper, or in a book, and other things you appreciate, and you might start to notice an energetic shift within you. Don’t dwell in fear, anger, or frustration. Take back control. 💫👊🏻

Just some thoughts tonight after the bad news we have received here in the U.K.

This photo is of the gratitude journal I bought in Florence, Italy in 2019.

Keep your mind strong this coming week, don’t let the news bring you down. 🧠 💪🏻