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RE: Visited one of my Old Blogs Today, and had a Realization About Steemit — Some Perspective

in #blog6 years ago

First of all great photo's, and you're analogy of the Doctor is spot on and right.
I havent ever blogged and this is my first time on steemit, I have to say that I know a few people that started when I did and after a month we all wanted to give up because there was not much feed back for the effort. Next to none!
I have only come to learn that my content needs to have people wanting to look at what Im presenting each day.
And as I watch and learn then my post will go from being a piece of bread to a banquet.
So it has me thinking new ones that have little reputation and get no response, how many are giving up. They can have great work and reading material, but not receive any feedback, how long will they last?