I think we need a new rule to facilitate some poetic justice: anyone calling for censorship should be censored. Anyone who takes issue with what the library keeps on its shelves should be banned from the building. Those who want control should be controlled. Abusers should be abused. Take a page out of their playbook (Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals) and hold them to their own standards. It's not hypocrisy, it's hierarchy, and if they won't play by our rules, perhaps we should play by theirs. If I seem impatient, there's a good reason for that.
The busybody control freaks cannot refrain from sticking their abnormally large noses in other people's business. I joined Substack only a week ago, and that entire time, the Substackers Against Nazis (SAN) have been screeching about non-existent National Socialists because some huckster wrote about it in The Atlantic. What a time to join a new platform. I've already been blocked by one of these pearl-clutching fuckwits. Apparently, calling Nazi trolls "subhuman twats who provide endless entertainment" means that I support the NSDAP. I already told an interlocutor of the psychotic cyclops who blocked me to never apologise, and never allow these people to brow-beat you into compromise.
Teflon brains. Ideas won't stick. Facts and evidence have no impact. Anything said is distorted until they fit it into their preconception, no matter how much it must be mangled first. It's like trying to discuss geography with a flat earther, but these control freaks have political ambitions, too.