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RE: The A.I Coin Flip

in #blog7 years ago

"if AI does enslave humanity it will probably make a lot more sense and be way more efficient than it is now." The crazy part is this so true haha

Yeah I totally agree, we are programmed to think that we are flawed... And sadly this comes at the cost of inaction when it matters the most.. Luckily, every time there's a new technology that allows people to control their own destiny bypassing the system they were born into.

Thanks for the awesome comment once again!


Thanks for posting content that is actually worth reading and being someone of high enough intelligence and honor to interact with!

It to is sadly very rare these days. Grateful to have found you and to get to know you a little bit.
Are you going to SteemFest?

Español? Es bunghole! Habla, blah habla, habla habla, habla bunghole...

blah blah blah

hahaha u just got down vote smashed. Guess I don't need to come at you someone already destroyed you. hahaha

Español? Es bunghole! Habla, blah habla, habla habla, habla bunghole...