Spring ... and soon summer ... is coming!

in #blog2 years ago (edited)

So I'm back in Oslo, and the weather is nice, sunny and 10C in the shadow in the middle of the day at home - probably more downtown. But who wants to stay in the shadow? Not me! Saturday, post-corona, the sunny side of town (facing south and the sea) is teeming with people everywhere. Here are two persons bathing from a "beach" at Sørenga, and also a child that has been bathing is walking around in swim-suit.

I went bathing twice, the second swim was my longest swim so far this year. Afterwards I did my best to get some vitamin D from the sun - and I wasn't the only one doing sun-bathing after the real bathing, wearing nothing but bathing clothes ... well, admittedly I was also wearing a beanie.

(view towards Hovedøya, from Sørenga sjøbad)

(I was pretty alone wearing a beanie - among all the people walking around in the sunshine, I didn't see a single hat)