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RE: Visited one of my Old Blogs Today, and had a Realization About Steemit — Some Perspective

in #blog6 years ago

Wise words and very true!

The reasons why I stick to this platform, no matter what, is the connection that I have been - and still am - making through it on an almost daily basis, the like minded people I meet on here and the therapeutic effect that (more or less) daily blogging has on me. Comments and feedback and all the stuff I learn by reading other people's posts are extremely helpful and the money is a bonus. Even though I am living entirely on crypto, haha. But, I hear you. It's far from perfect. It's very much stuck in its BETA stage. It's the closest that I can find to perfectionism though - I mean to what I have been looking for for a long, long time and I kind of like imperfection anyway.

Have a great remainder of the weekend!
