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RE: Perspective on Steemit as a User and Investor

in #blog6 years ago

Gosh, you are so honest about yourself @beeyou and I apprecitate that very much! Your post really resonates with me and I could find lots of similarities with my own personal situation. It helped me a lot to become more clear about my intentions at steemit and my same struggles to keep up a healthy balance between my real life/familiy and this wonderful platform. Please keep posting more of your thoughts because it's so eye-opening:-)


Hi @zuckerzombie. I appreciate you stopping by and sharing your own perspective as a user. I enjoy my time on here and meeting new people, but it is important to find that balance between the real/steemit world. I'm still trying to find that balance myself, let me know if you get there first! In the meanwhile, continue sharing your interests and meeting people on here. The fun part is the relationship you form on here. :)