

Good blurt is going up



You are happy for the blurt price growing up to $0.01417. Congratulations on holding the crypto.

Blurt is an economically realistic social blockchain platform. The blurt price all-time high level of $0.12. It can move more.

The blurt is flying like a rocket. The price spikes like a rocket.

Wow! You have luck in crypto world! You could eat your ‘crypto’ as well!! LoL

Bitcoin is going up today!! 🙏🙀🎉🎊


Blurt is best

Blurt is not open why sir ?

Oh because Blurt is moving to ATOM's Cosmos network! It is really good news for blurt! Blurt doing a dip now cause some people unsure how this transition will work.

Thanks ❤️ for information Sir

thank you for the information,have a great day

Thank you very much for sharing, have a great day and a great mood

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Hola @coininstant, gracias por el dato… Feliz tarde.