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in #book5 years ago

I commute but honestly read a kindle because I like to be aware of my surroundings. Having said that, I can see people using audiobooks, so there must be a redeeming factor in there somewhere.

My sister-in-law loves them. I'm not sure why I don't, but, I will say that I have never tried them. Just the idea doesn't appeal to me. So, I need to stop judging before I try it. Heh.

Oh, the horror!! Heart of Darkness was not something I intended on reading but happened onto it. It was a surprise to me that I enjoyed and intend to put it into rotation of books I will read again. I am glad I did not go wrong on that one.

And as far as Ulysses and James Joyce. I read it in school only because we had to and I can tell you it was a snoozer. I never finished it and did cliff notes to study for the test. I can figure out if I was lazy or it was that bad, but, I have no driving force to pick it up again.

The other book, Agricola - Publius Cornelius Tacitus I haven't read, but, may give it a try as you seemed to like it. I love book recommendations!

I do remember why I never listen to audiobooks! It was the voice of the people. It would put me to sleep, I am sure of it! I hear it on the internet and think... no way! Maybe I will have to actually try the book and blame you if I like it! :)

Thanks for the reviews! They are always appreciated when they are so thorough! Have a great day!



I get your point about the voices of readers for audiobooks. Some of them are definitely no good. Also, I constantly fall asleep while listening to them unless I'm being active.
Generally, the paid readers who do Audible are better than free volunteers. I find speeding it up can help. Some times I am aware of my surroundings if my eyes are open. But definitely, eyes closed headphones on can be dodgy on some trains.

Agricola is nice and short. I like a lot of the old stuff written by the Romans. I really wish I could read Latin, but studying that is probably worse than reading Joyce.
I'm thinking of separating my reviews, especially when I read a book that really makes me think, actually come to think of it, most of them make me think.

Thanks for your opinions. I knew I would get someone else who read Heart of Darkness. In my opinion, the theme has been overdone now, but it's still a good one.