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RE: Dialect Confusion

in #books3 months ago

Hi Sam, I was tempted to buy the book just so I could take off the shelf when we've got people round and I need something to give a bit of life to the conversation. But I've got too many books already so had to exercise restraint. Horrible thing to have to do. I had an interesting experience related to appropriate language use a couple of years back. I had published a book set in 1959 in England and referred to a 'train' station instead of a 'railway' station, which is what I should have written. Even as a native I got it wrong and how people noticed! I didn't make that mistake again.


It's crazy the seemingly little things that pull readers out of an immersive state. I love the research and fact-checking aspect of my stories, but things can slip through the net.

Probably a sensible decision not to buy the book - although I imagine that you could have heaps of fun trying to read it after a few glasses of vino! 😂

On a side note, you're British? You should use the #teamuk tag. They will pop by your blog and curate you.

Ah, thanks for the #teamuk suggestion, I shall try to remember to add that from now on.