Lifeboat books

in #books3 months ago

For some reason, someone always winds up fighting to survive in a lifeboat in the books that I read. I don't necessarily seek out these books, it just happens.

Currently I'm reading "The Indifferent Stars Above" which I stumbled upon in one of those "little library" birdhouse boxes you see around. It's about the Donner party, so I knew where it would lead (and no lifeboats). However, the more I think of it, they were basically trapped in an on-land (or on-snow) lifeboat. There's a reason a covered wagon was called a "prairie schooner" - a ship on land.

Others in my lifeboat book category:

The Endurance (Shackleton explorer)
Moby Dick
In the Heart of the Sea (true Moby Dick)
Life of Pi
Sea of Glory (Antarctica)
The Old Man and the Sea (sorta lifeboat)

On the docket:

The Wager - Saw it in the real library last week, not entirely sure what it's about, but I've got money somebody winds up in a lifeboat.