
Been around here for 5 years and still don't know how rewards work.

You and everyone who support you are bloody idiots and entitled leeches. Pure and simple.

Not me, buddy, I'm a communist.

I'm sure taking your measly dime back strokes your ego, makes you feel all powerful and big on the inside, but honestly, maybe you should try making friends here rather than just use us for profits.

Renting stake to increase your rewards is vote buying, you and the person renting to you are leaches on this system, and need to stop.
We forked out the vote buyers and sellers, get a clue.



Refusal to stop mass copypasta spam farming.

MWAHAHA spammer and scammer!

Not as big time as you though.

If you take them at their word,...

@kingscrown Cant steal something that was never yours. Until the 7th day its all up to the community who earns.