
It's in quotes because I didn't write it, forgive me if that wasn't clear to you.

I'm trying to bring quality content to this blockchain so that it will persist as long as there is an interwebz, you might have missed the post where I announced that was the plan, some years ago.

It's looking like you will have to rely on the link provided if you want to finish this one, I'm undecided whether I persist or succumb to this attack.

Not to apologize. Not knowing helped me appreciate your opening and closing comments to the excerpt.
What attack? Not my kind of story, so I won't be following the link. Is this really what you consider quality, or is that part of your persistence? It's well written, reminds me of Dickens in style and characterizations, but it's not of value to those of us living in a world of complex beings, human and not.

This book illustrates how little life has changed in the 120 years since it has been written.
It also discusses race relations that have hardly changed at all.

I was interested in reading it as a study in anthropology and was posting it to make that happen.
Of course it is anecdotal as it is fiction, but still the insights into the time are there.

It's too bad hive watchers has stopped me, the next one directly addresses what is playing out in our world right now.

Ok maybe it's just this one chapter about perfect humans that rubs me the wrong way. I'll check out some more of it.

I'm sorry, but what do you mean the hive watchers have stopped you? I see no aberrations in your account.

I'm on the spaminator ban list and refuse to bend the knee.
Everything I post gets an immediate downvote and will have its rewards wiped on day 6.

They do this in your name, if you wish to ask them to quit.
Here is their discord:
This one is the general hive discord:

Feel free to become known there, they are public rooms.

Oh I see that now. I was perplexed by the spamminator downvote, because it's clearly not spam. Will do what I can. Bummer.