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RE: Letter from Bruce Springsteen

in #books4 years ago

Ooh, a White Falcon! I've not played one of those. I am fortunate to have a good amount of space for my stuff, but there is a fair bit of clutter. It's just hard to get rid of stuff that 'might be useful'. I do need to play more though. There are some guitars within my reach right now.



It’s a gorgeous guitar Steve and I really ought to play it more. I’ve had it for nearly a year now and I’m still not really sure how it fits in with what I do.

I've seen one played at a rock and roll gig and it sounded great through a Fender Twin. All my electrics are solid, so maybe I need something with a bit of air in it :)

BTW Was the downvote accidental? Didn't think I had offended you :)

Downvote? Where? I replied on the ecency app on iOS. Guess I don't know what I'm doing! Definitely accidental!

On this one. It's not really an issue. No rewards to lose and it can't hurt my rep. Just wondered :)

I opened up and saw it there. Couldn't see it on PeakD or ecency. Sorry about that Steve. I've removed it.

Don't worry about it. I actually find very little to downvote lately. That has to be a good thing. Prefer to keep things positive.