WOW!! They're Running Away From The Crumbling Narrative!

in #boris2 years ago

This video covers how political leaders and governments are running away from the crumbling narrative.

—Pngtree—chinese brush style black lines_6015258.png

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Timcast IRL에서 Jason Miller와의 인터뷰를 정말 즐겼습니다.

They say what they wanna hear!

The key is to not just go back to supporting the old system, and continue to work towards building our own systems.

너무 종교적인 것은 아니지만... 전쟁의 소문. 진짜로.

Mark 13:7 ESV—And when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. This must take place, but the end is not yet.

I have seen this all over the place. But since those people can't be trusted, they're known to do crazy things, it wouldn't surprise me if they pull one last mad stunt before pulling away.
What I was thinking before too was that some of them are probably very nervous right now. If you look at the Dutch minister for health for instance, he looks ill and really worried. I think they know their time is up, and when more people realize what's really going on, nothing will be able to save them.
I'd be worried too if I was in their shoes...
Then we have Boris Johnson quickly getting rid of restrictions. There are lawsuits coming their way. If indeed they are changing the narrative and pull out, it's really only to save their own butts.

Then we have Boris Johnson quickly getting rid of restrictions. There are lawsuits coming their way. If indeed they are changing the narrative and pull out, it's really only to save their own butts.

There is always a story behind the story. Politicians are still reactionary. They react to events to protect themselves and their narrative.

What I was thinking before too was that some of them are probably very nervous right now. If you look at the Dutch minister for health for instance, he looks ill and really worried. I think they know their time is up, and when more people realize what's really going on, nothing will be able to save them.

It's fun watching the world burn around them.