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RE: I've finally been defeated at bowling

in #bowling3 years ago

It is kind of embarrassing, but I really suck at bowling. To add insult to injury, my dad is a local bowling celebrity in my hometown.

I remember when I would go to a bowling alley in Dayton as a kid, people would recognize me because I look just like my dad, and his photo would be on the wall for winning bowling competitions. They would gather around to watch me play really poorly. Basically made me never want to go!


haha. awwwww. I had the same expectations because a family member of mine was really really good at basketball and I was decent, but no where near as dedicated at this person was. I remember in my 8th grade team I was put in the game and the very first shot I took was a 3 pointer and I sunk it. The other team's coach knew my family member and was worried. Little did he know that I absolutely sucked compared to my sibling so yeah. I know your pain.

Haha, glad I am not alone in this experience. There is no feeling like letting people down who expect a lot from you.