Apple co - founder "Supply and demand"

in #brainfeed5 years ago

When looking at the fiat counterfeit system, the issue of supply and demand is artificial.
Anytime the cartel want to increase supply they press a button and create a few billion or trillion.
'They' then lend it to the monetary system at interest.

Something created out of thin air, then charged interest on, that is the fiat conspiracy.

On the other hand BTC is limited, there are a finite amount of them, and each one gets harder to create, thereby controlling the release of them.

It is this simple rule of supply and demand which will dictate the value of BTC.
The more people that want them the higher the price, or visa versa.

The bottom line is the demand, the growth, the awareness, the industry, the expansion into so many areas of tech, means that blockchains are not going away any time soon if ever.

And given BTC is the heart of the blockchain world, it's user demand can only go in one direction, up.


Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--

Nice site, I think I'll take it.