The State again crushing The Citizen in my own country.

in #brazillast month

It's not bad enough to be arrested and incarcerated for a crime you didn't do. When the State finally realizes what happens, they finally release you, maybe expecting you to apologize for causing them to waste time, resources and for the trauma they have now of putting an innocent person behind bars.

Well, you then sue them all, which by some weird reason is now a crime and you get condemned for the so-called "crime" of attempting to sue the State.

image.png"Man convicted for suing the State of Paraíba after being arrested and incarcerated by mistake"
"Itaporanga judge admits wrong doing, but stated that everything is an eventuality of life.
In the end the victim was also ordered to pay all costs."

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Sometimes I empathize with Heath Ledger's Joker anarchist mentality. Not that I would agree with him, but I can understand where he came from.

The thing that gets me is that things don't have to be this way.
We have poverty because the too rich to jail want things this way.
All because we accept that these people get to kill those people for reasons.
Rule by force is the disease.