Build-it Lite Paper and Delegation Now Live!

in #buidl2 years ago


We are thrilled to announce our official v1.0 Lite paper is Live on the website, we also enabled $buidl delegation, in this article we will show you how to delegate $buidl power to members of the community in a step-by-step format.

Thanks to the awesome team, we've been hard at work in developing a decentralized hub for DIY lovers. The Lite paper is simple and understandable, however, it's just a lite paper.


What is a Lite paper?

A Litepaper could be seen as a teaser version of a whitepaper. More like a snipet from the concise version of a whitepaper. A litepaper however summarizes the contents of a whitepaper while sustaining the crucial points of the actual document.

We are aware that most people are familiar with the whitepaper, as it remains a vital requirement when launching a blockchain project. Rest assured we are working on the Whitepaper.

Delegate $buidl power to other memebers

We have enabled the delegation contract for $buidl. You can now easily delegate $buidl power to your favorite DIYer. This way they can influence their vote support to others when curating on our front-end

Follow the steps below on how to delegate:

Step 1: Log in to Tribal Dex and sign in with your Hive Keychain

Screenshot 2022-03-23 at 21.12.03.png

Step 2: Move your arrow cursor to the "wallet symbol" at the top right side. As shown in the red highlighted part below

How to delegate2.jpeg

Step 3: Inside your token wallet, search for the $buidl token ticker

How to delegate.jpeg

Step 4: click on the delegation arrow feature as highlighted below

how to delegate3.jpeg

Step 5: Input the name of the receiving author and the amount you want to delegate and hit the "Delegate" tab and confirm the transaction with Hive Keychain.

how to delegate 5.jpeg

With this, members can show love to others by delegating their $buidl power to strengthen and support one another. Got questions? please share them in the comment section or on our discord.


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

I will be looking for open-source, decentralized types of DIY content to delegate to.

Thank you very much for doing this.

Thanks for the support champ! It's coming our pretty neat