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RE: With great power, comes great responsibility

in #buildawhale6 years ago (edited)

First things first: at the end of your article, you allude to being able to vote different percentages of your power? Come again? This breeds an important question...

How come some people on Steemit seem to have the ability to change how much voting power they alot one upvote vs another? What should you do with your upvoting power? First we think a great project would be explaining all the rules and intricacies of the Steemit site-- bc they can be VERY confusing. It would be nice to find them all in one place. How can a Steemer upvote your article, and then upvote his own comment underneath your article, and his comment is worth 6x more than his upvote of your article? What IS that? Seems like magic. After those kinds of anomolies are understood, we'd be better able to actually give you a decent suggestion or opinion on how to do the most good on Steemit. Hard to say anything constructive, when most people don't even know the very rules of how things are done on a NORMAL basis on the site!

We wrote a pretty decent article on "Who is Satoshi?" which might provide some new compelling evidence on the topic. It got a little bit of interest, but due to being small we think it could have gotten a lot more.
How to remedy that, should be the main focus of anyone with power on Steemit. We're not so self-important as to think our article deserves massive payment from the community, but we simply see a LOT of garbage on Steemit garnering quite a lot of monetary upvotes. If that isn't fixed, we think Steemit won't last very long. Remember how much Google had to alter their algos to prevent the "dark side of the internet force" from gaming their search algos? That's ongoing, and so should policing Steemit for genuine content vs the rampant and profitable plagiarism, meaninglessness, etc...

(we upvoted our own post, simply to get heard! shameful, but effective?)


Once you get around 480 Steem Power (yourself or delegated to you in total) you will get a slider that lets you chose 1-100% voting power. If you use programming, you can do decimal places.