Delsarte System of Oratory
Gutenberg Edition
Delsarte System of Oratory
Fourth Edition New York Edgar S. Werner 1893
Delaumosne On Delsarte.
Biographical Sketch
Part First. Voice.
Chapter I.
Chapter II. Of The Voice.
Chapter III. The Voice in Relation to Intensity of Sound.
Chapter IV. The Voice in Relation to Measure.
Part Second. Gesture.
Chapter I. Of Gesture in General
Chapter II. Definition and Division of Gesture.
Chapter III. Origin and Oratorical Value of Gesture
Chapter IV. The Laws of Gesture.
Chapter V. Of Gesture in Particular.
Chapter VI. Of The Torso.
Chapter VII. Of The Limbs.
Chapter VIII. Of the Semeiotic, or the Reason of Gesture.
Chapter IX. Of Gesture in Relation to the Figures Which Represent It.
Part Third. Articulate Language.
Chapter I. Origin and Organic Apparatus of Language.
Chapter II. Elements of Articulate Language.
Chapter III. The Oratorical Value of Speech.
Chapter IV. The Value of Words in Phrases.
Chapter V. French and Latin Prosody
Chapter VI. Method.
Chapter VII. A Series Of Gestures For Exercises.
Arnaud On Delsarte.
Part Fourth.
Chapter I. The Bases of the Science
Chapter II. The Method.
Chapter III. Was Delsarte a Philosopher?
Chapter IV. Course of Applied Æsthetics.
Chapter V. The Recitation of Fables.
Chapter VI. The Law of Æsthetics.
Chapter VII. The Elements of Art.
Chapter VIII. Application of the Law to Various Arts.
Chapter IX. Delsarte's Beginnings.
Chapter X. Delsarte's Theatre and School.
Chapter XI. Delsarte's Family.
Chapter XII. Delsarte's Religion.
Chapter XIII. Delsarte's Friends.
Chapter XIV. Delsarte's Scholars.
Chapter XV. Delsarte's Musical Compositions.
Chapter XVI. Delsarte's Evening Lectures.
Chapter XVII. Delsarte's Inventions.
Chapter XVIII. Delsarte before the Philotechnic Association.
Chapter XIX. Delsarte's Last Years.
Literary Remains Of François Delsarte.
Part Fifth.
Part Sixth.
The Lecture and Lessons Given by Mme. Marie Géraldy (Delsarte's Daughter) in America.
Part Seventh.
Delaumosne On Delsarte.
The Delsarte System,
M. l'Abbe Delaumosne,
(Pupil of Delsarte.)
Translated by Frances A. Shaw.
François Delsarte.
Part First. Voice
Chapter I.
Chapter II. Of The Voice.
Compass of the Voice--Organic Apparatus of the Voice.
Of the Voice in Relation to Compass.
The Voice in Relation to Vowels.
Practical Conclusions.
Chapter III. The Voice in Relation to Intensity of Sound.
What is Understood by Intensity of Sound.
Means of Augmenting the Timbre of the Voice.
Rules for Intensity of Sound.
Chapter IV. The Voice in Relation to Measure.
Of Slowness and Rapidity in Oratorical Delivery.
Of Respiration and Silence.
Rules of Inflection.
Special Inflections.
Part Second. Gesture.
Chapter I. Of Gesture in General.
Chapter II. Definition and Division of Gesture.
Division of Gesture.
Chapter III. Origin and Oratorical Value of Gesture.
Oratorical Value of Gesture.
Chapter IV. The Laws of Gesture.
The Priority of Gesture to Speech.
Opposition of Agents.
Number of Gestures.
Duration of Gesture.
The Rhythm of Gesture.
Importance of the Laws of Gesture.
Chapter V. Of Gesture in Particular.
The Head.
The Movements of the Head.
The Normal State.
The Eccentric State.
The Concentric State.
Of the Eyes.
Of the Eyebrows.
Chapter VI. Of the Torso.
Chapter VII. Of The Limbs.
The Arms.
Inflections of the Fore-Arm.
Of the Elbow.
Of the Wrist.
Of the Hand.
The Digital Face.
The Back Face.
The Palmar Face.
Of the Fingers.
Of the Legs.
Chapter VIII. Of the Semeiotic, or the Reason of Gesture.
The Types which Characterize Gesture.
Of Gesture Relative to its Modifying Apparatus.
Chapter IX. Of Gesture in Relation to the Figures which Represent It.
Part Third. Articulate Language.
Chapter I. Origin and Organic Apparatus of Language.
Chapter II. Elements of Articulate Language.
Chapter III. The Oratorical Value of Speech.
Chapter IV. The Value of Words in Phrases.
The Conjunction.
The Conjunction Continued--Various Examples.
The Interjection in Relation to its Degree of Value.
A Resumé of the Degrees of Value.
Chapter V. French and Latin Prosody.
French Prosody.
Latin Prosody.
Chapter VI. Method.
Dictation Exercises.
Chapter VII. A Series of Gestures for Exercises.
Preliminary Reflections.
The Series of Gestures Applied to the Sentiments Oftenest Expressed by the Orator.
First Gesture. Interpellation.
Second Gesture. Thanks--Affectionate and Ceremonious.
Third Gesture. Attraction.
Fourth Gesture. Surprise and Assurance.
Fifth Gesture. Devotion.
Sixth Gesture. Interrogative Surprise.
Seventh Gesture. Reiterated Interrogation.
Eighth Gesture. Anger.
Ninth Gesture. Menace.
Tenth Gesture. An Order for Leaving.
Eleventh Gesture. Reiteration.
Twelfth Gesture. Fright.
Important Remarks.
Appendix. The Symbolism of Colors Applied to the Art of Oratory.
Part Fourth. Arnaud on Delsarte.
The Delsarte System.
Angélique Arnaud, (Pupil of Delsarte).
Translated by Abby L. Alger.
Chapter I. The Bases of the Science.
Chapter II. The Method.
On Ellipsis.
On Shades and Inflections.
On Vocal Music.
On Respiration.
On the Position of the Tone.
On the Preparation of the Initial Consonant.
Roulade and Martellato.
E mute before a Consonant.
E mute before a Vowel.
Chapter III. Was Delsarte a Philosopher?
Chapter IV. Course of Applied Æsthetics.
Meeting of the Circle of Learned Societies.
Theory of the Degrees.
Chapter V. The Recitation of Fables.
Chapter VI. The Law of Æsthetics.
Chapter VII. The Elements Of Art.
The True, the Good, the Beautiful.
The True.
The Good.
The Beautiful.
Chapter VIII. Application of the Law to the Various Arts.
Art--Dramatic, Lyric and Oratorical.
Application of the Law to Literature.
Application of the Law to Architecture.
Application of the Law to Sculpture.
Application of the Law to Painting.
Chapter IX. Delsarte's Beginnings.
Chapter X. Delsarte's Theatre and School.
Chapter XI. Delsarte's Family.
Chapter XII. Delsarte's Religion.
Chapter XIII. Delsarte's Friends.
Chapter XIV. Delsarte's Scholars.
Chapter XV. Delsarte's Musical Compositions.
Chapter XVI. Delsarte's Evening Lectures.
Chapter XVII. Delsarte's Inventions.
Chapter XVIII. Delsarte before the Philotechnic Association.8
Chapter XIX. Delsarte's Last Years.
Part Fifth. The Literary Remains of François Delsarte.
Translated by Abby L. Alger.
Publisher's Note.
Extract from the Last Letter to the King of Hanover
Episode I.
Episode II.
Episode III.
Episode IV.
Episode V. Semeiotics of The Shoulder.
Episode VI. First Objection to the Thermometric System of the Shoulder.
Episode VII.
What I Propose.
The Beautiful
Vicious Arrangements.
Passion Of Signs. Signs of Passion.
Definition of Form.
On Distinction and Vulgarity of Motion.
Definition of Gesture. (Compare Delaumosne, page 43.)
Attitudes of the Head.
Attitudes of the Hands.
Affirmation--The Hand.
Attitudes of the Legs.
Chart Considered from the Organic Point of View.
Of the Hand.
Of the Eye.
Of the Torso.
Æsthetic Division.
The Holy Trinity Recovered in Sound.
Vocal Respiration.
Logical Respiration.
Passional Respiration.
Vocal Organ.
Definition of the Voice.
What the Register is.
On Shading.
Pathetic Effects.
On the Tearing of the Voice.
Medallion of Inflection (Compare Delaumosne, page 119.)
The Nature of the Colors of Each Circle in the Color Charts.
Red, Blue and Yellow.
The Attributes of Reason.
Random Notes.
The Senses.
Part Sixth. Lecture and Lessons Given by Mme. Géraldy (Delsarte's Daughter) in America.
Delivered by Mme. Géraldy at the Berkeley Lyceum, New York, February 6, 1892.
The Course of Lessons Given in America By Mme. Géraldy
Lesson I. The Eye and the Eyebrow.
Lesson II. The Head.
Lesson III. The Hand.
Lesson IV. The Arms.
Lesson V. Inflections of the Hand.--Combinations of the Arm and Hand.
Lesson VI. Basic Attitudes.
Lesson VII. The Medallion of Inflection.
Mme. Géraldy's Lessons On Lafontaine's Fables.
The Wolf and the Lamb.
Lesson Given By Mme. Géraldy.
The Cat, the Weasel and the Little Rabbit.
Lesson Given By Mme. Géraldy.
Delsarte's Daughter In America. By Adèle M. Woodward.
Part Seventh. Addenda.
Trueness in Singing.
Notes of a Lecture by Delsarte, Taken by His Pupil A. Giraudet, of The National Academy of Music, Paris.
[From the Atlantic Monthly for May, 1871, by permission of Houghton, Mifflin & Co.]
Delsarte's Method for Tuning Stringed Instruments Without the Aid of The Ear.11
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