
There have been countless instances over the years when his down votes have been used in a judgemental way of silencing different viewpoints. If you consider such censorship valuable to the platform then your appreciation for the sexist bully is understandable. Otherwise your support for him comes as a bit of surprise to me.

Any saving to the reward pool generally translates to crumbs to us lower in the the ecosystem's pyramid of distribution. Those likely to benifit the most are the V.22.2 Cabal and their friends and associates.

Yes, exactly.
Until the code is at a point that I can fork out those that make using it intolerable, there is no point in rocking the boat.
Brick walls don't mind you hiviciding yourself on them, they are bricks.

The boat is currently at anchor in a port controlled by somebody that is hard for everybody to love.

Bueno, at some point that changes.
At that time, watch the rats scurry down the landing lines.
Really, it is simply a matter of time.

It's a race between sweet comeupance and the sun micronovaing when it crosses the galactic plane.

I don't know who to bet on first.

Humbled by your long term game. 😎👍

Lol, forum hell drove me here,...