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RE: Having The Right Location For Your Business

in #business2 years ago

Catfish don't depend on feed only for growth, their habitat size really matters a lot. Are you still in the business I will love to learn a lot from you.

Location matters in business and I wish I could educate the people in my neighborhood about this particular topic. I referred to doing good business in the wrong location as a failed investment because it builds expectations that will never be met and the business will automatically collapse after a while.

My environment is very underdeveloped and it surprises me to see people come to invest ignorantly. Imagine someone opening an expensive wine shop in an underdeveloped environment, I can confidently say people in that environment will choose to buy the cheaper one.


Nice comment here buddy. There is nothing as frustrating as running a good business in a wrong location.

Are you still in the business I will love to learn a lot from you

I only ran it for a couple of months before my internship program, but I learnt quite a lot from my experience in the business.

Thanks for coming around buddy