
Nakedness is strictly prohibited on TikTok... If you mean girls in bikinis, than I might have played a small role in polluting that platform myself...

Yes... A girl in a bikini and a girl whos wearing a shirt without underwear and bras.

Still no're against bikinis or what you're trying to say here?

Nope... Not like what you think? I am against what they are doing in TikTok just to get attention and to attract likers! That's it...

yeah, makes it hard to compete with them hehe

Correct... Very hard to compete! LOL
But did you see other TikTokers in INDIA? They are crazy bro! Other people died just to get attention! They will do a crazy thing to impress the people around the world! I saw one video doing TikTok and died in a train crash! The head cut and the body smash!!! My gosh bro... Blood scatter at rail road...

wow, I don't watch that too much as I use it only too upload my remixes but yeah soon it will be like the movie Nerve...