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RE: What Has Your Entrepreneurial Journey Been? I'd Love to Hear Your Story

in #business6 years ago

Okay @coruscate, well i love entrepreneurship and planning to start my own business very soon which is fashion designing.
I'm a passionate fashion designer(dunno if I have told you that before..lolz) and I love the idea of working for myself but I haven't really been able to pursue the dream because I am still in schools(I'm in my finals though....yeah!!!!......drumrolls..lolz)
It's just on low key for now but I hope to kick start it very soon as I am already getting all the things i need for it little by little, well it's not been easy though but I would say its been worth it because you put in all of your heart to what you love right.
Okay that's about it.
Greetings from NIGERIA