Hey Busy.org can you do me a favor and add these 7 features to better the experience?

in #busy6 years ago


Big fan of busy, but these simple features would make the experience better for new users.

  1. Topics field should include an auto-complete tag script like: tagify

  2. Simplify your toolbar so anchor text are clean. Why when you click the 'link' icon you require the user to add the url between ( ). Once you highlight the 'word' that will be used as the anchor text, there's no reason why you cannot just ask user to enter url after they click the link icon and do the formatting behind the scenes. word. I have noticed users (new and old) not using anchor text because your method is confusing to them. It's not obvious that the user needs to add link address between ( ) after they click the link icon.

  3. Under 'interesting people' to follow suggestion widget on right sidebar, display a snippet of their 'bio' line so I can see more than an @ handle. You do this on your discover page so a simple UX fix can give us a quick look. I don't want to click the users link blindly. I want to know more and why you are suggestioin them to me. **I think your system recommends people with high follower counts and high reputation scores, but I rather discover people who have similar interests to me. People with high follower counts and reputation scores have been here the longest and this doesn't mean their content is better than new users with a lower follower counts and rep scores. **

  4. Let users follow 'topics.' As you know, discovery isn't easy. I want to be able to find people to follow, so allowing users to follow topics would help us find new users to follow. Typically speaking, the first screen when you join a social platform will ask a user which topics are of interest to them. This brings relevancy to the user experience from the start so the user can discover content they like.

  5. This goes back to my 4th recommendation. Take the 'feed' and create two tabs. One tab for following 'users'and a second tab to follow #topic posts. This way users can discover people to follow or they can have a more customized general feed that goes beyond. TOP-TRENDING - HOT- PROMOTED.

  6. The #topic tab feed should populate posts from users who you do not yet follow but you may find interesting according to posts you have voted or commented on. This feature doesn't need to start complex but over time you will need to tweak the algorithm for relevance.

  7. With so many people paying upvoting bots for low quality post, you should look at wallets to see who is paying to reach the top.