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RE: What if... Spork - Steem without SteemIt, Inc

in #busy5 years ago

It seems that it's not so much a hijacking but more of a copy paste, as the content and accounts are kept (minus the overwhelming stake concentrated in less than a handful of people) and it will be running along side steem, yet no doubt about it, in direct competition with steem and it seems that no matter how much focusing we do, we are always going to be held back by those less than a handful..

Posted using Partiko Android


Most of what is actually holding the blockchain back is trying to come to a consensus amongst high rank witnesses and the Steemit Inc developers to be honest. I know it's in fashion to hate on Steemit Inc but ultimately they are the ones who are driving blockchain level development forward for the most part.

That is simply not true and we both know it.

As someone who's been privy to watching stuff unfold I can tell you that it is basically true.

Very few, if any, non Steemit Inc employees contribute to the Steem code base on github. Then you have the issue of trying to come to an agreeance on what the next move / development direction is.. As stated above.

No, there is time and the ability to get changes into the fork.

 5 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment